
1.  How long do Burmese usually live? 

Burmese often live anywhere from 12 to 18 years. Many Burmese owners report their cats living into the late teens and early twenties and will often return to the breed for a kitten.

2.  Do Burmese get along well with dogs? 

Burmese often get along well with dogs that like cats. We have placed kittens in families with Goldens, Newfoundlands, Standard Poodles and Boxers and all kittens have done well. Many enjoy playing with the dogs while others just tolerate their presence. Of course, each kitten is different, so if you own a dog, it would be best to ask the breeder to select a kitten that they feel would do best with a dog in the household.

3.  I have heard that Burmese are hypoallergenic. Is this true? 

No, it is not true. While many cat owners with allergies to cat dander report an ability to tolerate Burmese, the breed is in no way hypoallergenic. Burmese can produce the same dander as any other breed and therefore cause allergies. If you do have an allergy to cats, the best way to test your allergies with Burmese is to visit the home of a breeder and handle the cats to determine what type of reaction may occur.

4.  What is the difference between Burmese and European Burmese? 

CFA now recognizes two "kinds" of Burmese. The Burmese breed was established in the early 1930's in the United States and was accepted for registration in CFA in 1936. The breeders in the United States chose a standard that selects for a rounder head style and shorter body. They also elected to keep Burmese to their four original colors – sable, champagne, blue and platinum. Breeders in Europe, however, elected to broaden the available colors (there are ten) and select for a different appearance over the last few decades, so the breed in that part of the world looks different. CFA now recognizes them as a separate breed and named them European Burmese.

You can read more about the European Burmese breed at

5.  What should I expect from a breeder when I buy a kitten? 

There are a few basic things that you should expect when you purchase a kitten. You should expect that the kitten will be healthy at the time of sale as well as free of any congenital (problems that a kitten was born with) defects, unless disclosed by the breeder/seller. Any guarantees and/or warranties should also be explained to you and included in the purchase agreement. Your kitten should also be free of any contagious illnesses and you should be provided a record of any vaccinations and tests performed.

For more information on how to purchase a kitten, please see:

6.  I prefer to get an 8-week-old kitten, but a breeder will not let me take it home until it is 12 weeks old. Why is this? 

Unlike puppies, kittens often require a longer socialization period at home with their mother. Being one of the smaller breeds, Burmese kittens need some extra time to grow and develop in order to ensure that you will get a wonderful pet.

7.  Why am I required to spay or neuter my kitten? 

All responsible breeders will require you to spay or neuter your pet kitten. As breeders, it is our responsibility to ensure cats that we bring into this world are not bred inappropriately or irresponsibly. Altering your kitten also has many long-term health benefits and can prevent a variety of behavioral problems.

8.  What is a "retired" Burmese? 

A “retired” Burmese is an adult Burmese that was previously shown and/or was used in a breeding program. They have been spayed or neutered and are often available for placement. Adult Burmese make wonderful pets in a home where good manners are a must.

9.  Does the Burmese breed have a Rescue Program? 

Yes. The National Alliance of Burmese Breeders sponsors a nationwide Rescue Program. Burmese Rescue regularly has Burmese aged 5-15 years of age available in various areas of the country. Burmese Rescue does not have kittens available. They specialize in the re-homing of unwanted, displaced or abandoned Burmese. For more information, please see:

http://www.burmesecat.org/rescue/index.html or email the Burmese Rescue [email protected].

10.  I am interested in becoming a Burmese breeder. How do I do that? 

The decision to breed Burmese (or any other breed) is one that should not be taken lightly. Being a breeder carries a tremendous responsibility to the breed, other breeders, pet owners and the community. To become a responsible breeder takes a significant commitment of time and money. Breeding cats can be a very rewarding experience with the right guidance and knowledge. Don’t expect, however, for a breeder to sell you cats for breeding no questions asked. We often require potential breeders to show their commitment to the breed by exhibiting a Burmese in Premiership (the CFA show class for altered cats) first. This allows a new exhibitor to become familiar with the inner workings of the cat fancy and what may eventually be required of them as a breeder.

To learn more about becoming involved in the cat fancy, please visit:

11.  There seem to be so many unwanted cats and kittens in our shelters. Should I feel guilty about wanting to buy a pedigree cat? 

No. Contrary to what the media portrays, there is no “pet overpopulation” crisis occurring in this country. While there are indeed some unwanted pets available in shelters, those numbers have been drastically reduced in recent decades. In fact, euthanasia rates are down 70% since the mid-1980’s and less than 1% of cats in shelters are pedigreed. In addition, more than 85% of all owned cats are already spayed and neutered. Many shelters actually import puppies and kittens from other states and other countries in order to keep up with the demand. There are also many advantages to acquiring a pedigree cat for a pet. Pedigree cats have predictable temperaments that allow owners to select a breed right for them and their lifestyle. Home raised kittens also have a high potential for being healthy and well socialized. To read more about the myth of pet overpopulation and other information about legislative issues that affect pet owners:


12.  Why do kittens cost so much? Aren’t you making a good profit already? 

While the price of a kitten may seem high, we are not making a profit by selling kittens. Before kittens reach the age of 12 to 16 weeks, we have already spent a great deal of time and money ensuring the health of each kitten and cat that we own and produce. There are many costs that go into the breeding of Burmese that include items like vaccinations, litter, food, veterinary care and entering and traveling to shows, just for example. A single cat show on a weekend can cost more than $200. It also takes a great deal of time to raise happy and healthy kittens.

13.  How can I see Quercetin's Burmese? 

Visits can be arranged by contacting Quercetin through the contact form.

14.  Do you ship you kittens? 

We generally do not ship our kittens, although we do make exceptions on a case by case basis. If you cannot locate a kitten in your local area, we can provide referrals.